Silver Dollah

Silver Dollah

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Camper's Haven to Penn Wood Airstream Park

Day #2 ( 6/2 ) was a travel day, mostly on I-84, NY #17 which is to become I-86 one of these days ! Lots of construction, but then it’s the season ! Ended the day at Camper’s Haven Campground in Bath NY .

Day #3 ( 6/3 ) pre-arranged tour of the Corning Museum of Glass , and factory. Rachel , of the whole group of18 , was the only one to do glass blowing - the item is being sent to the house where it will be safer than bouncing around in the camper . Thus she has another item checked off on her “bucket list “. Spent the morning there with group, and in the afternoon Rachel & I took off for Naples NY to find the Wilmer Wine Co. Only upon arrival to find that the winery was in a close out stage - retail store and gift shop had been closed last Oct ‘09, and the whole works would be transferred elsewhere by this fall . Our wagon master had been raving about their 30 year sherry ! We did have a good pizza at “Luggi’s “ .

Day #4 (6/4 - so far the days have been equal to the dates ! ) was a travel day - head from NY down into PA , Limestone ; where an Airstream Club, has their own campground “ Penn Wood Airstream Park “ 60 acres . Some Interstate ( I-86 & 80 ) but mostly US-219 heading south - concrete slabs in NY and asphalt in PA , but again lots of construction and slow travels. Highlight for the day was a stop at the Zippo factory and gift shop . The flashlights that go into the standard Zippo casing , have not been mfg. for the last 6 years ! That killed that stop for us, but did get a picture of the “Zippo mobile” .

Day #5 (6/5 ) laid low today at this wonderful campground , reading in sunshine until thunder storms moved into the area. Did the laundry and this evening Rachel is off to church with the neighbors . We are to have a “driver’s meeting to night as we’re on the road again tomorrow for Delaware OH. Rachel & I are on the “parking committee “ so we have to be 1st out , getting to the new campgrounds to supervise the parking of rigs as they come in. Earlier this week we were the “caboose “ . last into the camp to make sure there were no breakdowns . That’s it for this evening , God Bless .


  1. Dad and Rachel,
    Thanks for the updates - we were wondering where you were. I hope the Keystone state is treating you well. It sounds like the drive is going well. That is quite the car - initially it looked like the car that Johnny Cash sings about that he pieced together with stolen car parts over the years. The street lights were pretty cool too! We are leaving here on July 1 and arriving in West Glacier on July 4.
    Travel safely and keep posting!
    Love, Tab

  2. Oh, the "Parking" Committee. Yes, we know, once you are a member of AARP, "parking" is allowed. Except now-a-days Drive In theatres are obsolete, so you two must join a caravan to be members of the "parking committee." HAHAHAHAHA! Love, Rebecca (and Scott and Sumner)

    Scott writes: If you guys want those nifty Zippo details added onto the Airstream I'll get to welding them up ASAP and attach them to the roof in August!

  3. Tab, what happen to Mr. Lincoln ? 6/11 we are suppose to be in Chatham, IL and on the 12th have an appointment with Abe at his "Presidential Library ", and as time allows ; his "Homestead " and final if not worn out by then ( Abe or Us ) his Tomb ! Full day .
    AND for the Eddington Elite, NO MORE cracks about the "parking com." & ARRP, as we are now on the ice cream social com. ! SO THERE
