Silver Dollah

Silver Dollah

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Custer SD

Monday 6-21

Rode our bikes into town and mailed our postcards,then stopped at local bakery for coffee and apple fritters. The town has beautiful fiberglass buffalo's,which different sponsors have painted. While in town found the rails to trail bike way,and gave that a try,then back to campground . After lunch we drove the truck to Needles Highway and through the 2 tunnels again that we had previously described,but this time in sunshine. Later in the afternoon we climbed Little Devil's Tower elevation 6600- I thought I was climbing in the Rockies. That evening we were treated to a steak-chicken bbq supper with all the fixings,and were joined by Gen.Custer and before he could finish his spiel the heavens opened up with another thunder storm. At least we were not in the woods this time.

Tuesday 6-22

Travel day to Devil's Tower Wy--and visited the tower before severe weather of tornadoes set in.

Wednesday 6-23 Travel day to Gillette Wy total of 14 in caravan. Great Trip!! On the evening of the 23th we had farewell banquet at local restaurant. Our caravan members have been split up to different parking areas and we are no longer all together

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