Silver Dollah

Silver Dollah

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Leaving Gillette WY

We’ve been here at Cam-Plex in Campbell County Wyo for 10 days at our first International Airstream Rally. Upon arrival we were presented with a booklet outlining each days schedule of meetings and seminars beginning each day at 6:30 am concluding after the 7pm announcements and evening entertainment programs. We have been very busy learning tricks of the trade,legislation,caravan,meeting and making new friends from all around the US/Canada/International. It’s been a wonderful experience.

Time did not allow us to see all that Gillette has to offer(need to return)but here are some fun things we did .
Campbell County is one of the largest coal producers, and is known as the “Energy Capital of the Nation”The tours are free from June-August,make reservations early as these are very popular and fill up fast. We got put on a waiting list, unfortunately we were never called..
Everyday we rode our bikes all over the city with as many as 18 in our group, beginning at 730 -ending around 9am,averaging 10 + miles. Nice way to start the day.
The community has a fantastic brand new recreation center that we as Airstream guests were allowed to use free of charge. Rachel going to Zumba class and Carl using the pool(one of three inside the building). The indoor climbing wall is a replica of Devil’s Tower.

On Saturday night a gang of us ventured out to Thunder Road Racetrack located 2 miles from the camp grounds-we had heard the noise the previous Saturday of the raceway. This is a ¼ mile dirt track-started out muddy and before the evening was over it was Very dusty. Wind blowing into the bleachers!!

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