Silver Dollah

Silver Dollah

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sunday July 11

July 11-- Sunday and another beautiful clear day . Took a side trip to visit the “Hungry Horse Dam” - 11th largest in the world constructed after WW2 . We were able to walk the top - 1 mile from visitor center, but couldn’t go inside for security reasons . Rachel took some excellent pictures but we are having trouble with our blog ( or the camp ground’s wifi ) and thus are not able to include them this evening . Stopped at the “Huckleberry Patch “ for another piece of their Huckleberry pie and cup of coffee - huckleberry of course !

Sunday afternoon drove over to Whitefish and “Big Mountain “ where we took the chairlift to the top - 7000’ . Beautiful ride, light winds and clear skies , and snow patch still existed among the trees/trails. Wedding going on at the top and all the bride’s maids were wearing cowboy boots ! Again no pictures this evening as explained above, but Rachel got some wicked great shots - will have to be sent at a later time. Gondola cars as seen in the pictures are removed in the winter to speed up the lift 2240 persons pr hour ! The lift also had bike racks for those bring bikes to the top for ride down on bike trails - well laid out for all levels of riders . We were thinking of the son-in-laws ( Tom, & Tom ) would have loved these challenges .

Sunday evening like all evenings since the children left, we have played cribbage or Mexican Train dominos , and of course , no game is complete with out ice cream !

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