Silver Dollah

Silver Dollah

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pioneer Tunnel-Ashland Pa. Thursday 7/29

We took a small detour to explore the anthracite coal region at Ashland and ride an old-fashioned Narrow Gauge steam train. The tunnel runs 1800 feet straight into the side of the Mahanoy Mountain.We rode in open mine cars pulled by a battery-operated mine motor.The temperature inside the mine averages 52 degrees-jackets/sweaters are provided if needed. Deep inside the mine
we left our car and followed the miner-guide and were given an explanation of how coal is mined.We saw coal seams and various configurations of passageways,some so narrow was accessible only by crawling on your belly. The Henry Clay ,built 1920's took us on a 3/4 mile ride around the side of Mahanoy Mt where we saw the remains of strip mining.On the mountain is the remains of a :bootleg” coal hole.These were dug by men who defied trespass laws and danger of cave-ins to obtain a few bags of coal to heat their homes.

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